To my brothers and sisters on the spiritual path of Divine Light:
About the Logos Foundation: I first quote A Course in Miracles.
“We have a function, God would have us fill”, that “we are here to awaken to who we are”; and as “we are among the ministers of God”, “our angelic function on this earth, is to care for each other”. “The salvation of the world depends on us”, and “nothing in the world is holier than helping one who asks for help.”
Therefore, the Logos Foundation is fortunate and blessed to present spiritual enlivening methods, for awakening the memory of the greater one Mind in the earthly individuals who recognize the value of these practice/methods, and are open to receiving them.
The Foundation’s teaching function is within the auspicious context of our current opening of accelerated growth opportunities, now pouring into this earth plane of life. That is to say, that these previously hidden secrets for accelerated spiritual growth, custodian-ed by selective sources up to now, are now conveniently offered through this unique academy.
Through providing these modalities, the service of the foundation is assisting us in raising our individual vibration, and towards claiming our natural inheritance of love’s presence. Additionally, and resultingly, these eclectic modalities are advancing our collective impact toward the higher general vibration and illumination of our unified minds in this world.
We are further blessed with the founder’s prowess and guidance for the gathering, selection and presentation of these highly effective mental, physical and spiritual methods and insights, which offer a rewarding platform of self- centering and illuminating results.
Method/processes range from deep meditation, the spiritual psychotherapy and forgiveness of A Course in Miracles, the vibration raising of enlivened breathing, among other pathways (to facilitate illumination towards our higher Self), of which I have been blessed with, throughout a spiritual life, centered around these practices and their appreciably sustained and rewarding results.
Finding all these resources in one academy of teaching, speaks for its openness to the various avenues of discovering truth; as well as for helping to facilitate the obvious opening in the availability and assistance from our higher guides of light.
These modalities are being presented to us at this unique junction of time and opening in mankind’s spiritual evolution. Fortuitously, we have been blessed with this unique opportunity for spiritual growth, within this earth plane’s seeming vortex of mounting impediments for survival, combined with the challenges in the expanding integrative growth of its inhabitants’ spiritual and material lives.
May God bless the Logos Foundation’s endeavors of assistance in spiritual growth, while we are on our journey home to remembering our heavenly place of unity with God. And may the grace of the Holy Spirit embolden its dedication to mankind’s pursuit of our natural inheritance of absolute love, peace, happiness, and the full realization of Supreme Knowledge.
Kudos to the Logos Foundation.
I first started Resonance Response 15 years ago. I was very inconsistent, even though when engaging in the practice I always felt so much better after. With time the practice fell away, until I sustained a very painful hip injury while working out a year and a half ago. I vowed then I would consistently get back into the practice, knowing the incredible healing benefits it could provide. I consistently have been practicing now for a year and a half, and not only is my hip feeling great, but I would say more importantly I had a profound SHIFT in consciousness. It was as if a light switch turned on, and I began to see the world in a whole new light. Since then synchronicities have continued to bring new and beautiful information into my life to continue my spiritual evolution. I owe the person I am to the Resonance Response. That may sound magniloquent, but it’s true.
Having studied A Course in Miracles for many years, I had a problem trying to put into an experiential context all of the references to the Source, the Kingdom, and the Christ mind within. The Logos Foundation has provided me with a deep peaceful inner experience through the easily learned daily practice of Resonance Response. This inner experience, not the ego or intellect, is now the foundation of not only understanding the Course on a deeper level, but also adds another level of depth to the unfolding of my true Identity.