Resonance Response
From birth through educational and societal acculturation, our awareness is channeled outward to affix on objects of perception and an external world, which the mind then adopts as its identity. These objects of perception include all aspects of the illusory outside world which are merely a reflection of our inside world projected outward. The Course teaches there is no outside world. Projection makes perception…….the world being an outward picture of an inward condition.
We are also taught in the Course that our true inner Identity is an undifferentiated state of pure awareness, and even more incredible, that we are not even here, that we have never left God, Level I, and the thoughts we think we think are not our real thoughts.
So, we haven’t left our Source, God, and our thoughts haven’t left their source….us, with obvious potential health ramifications. And if we could just silence the constant ego mind chatter and induce a quiescence of the ego’s physiological thought mechanism, we can precipitate an unbounded inner Level I experience of God consciousness, and see it reflected in a more peaceful state of health and a radically more peaceful view of the world.
The ego’s cerebral thought producing mechanisms- the hippocampus, limbic system, and the hypothalamus, are responsible for the ego’s spatial orientation on a linear timeline. With the suspension of this mechanism our true Level I reality emerges as a direct experience of an inner absolute spacelessness and timelessness devoid of thoughts. Again, experience is emphasized here. This experience strengthens the decision-making part of the mind by transcending the ego and provides a deep level of physiological rest.
But, let us return to the subject of thoughts to more fully understand how the ego uses thoughts as a smokescreen to convince us we are here, trapped in a body in Level II, as separate ego minds, in separate bodies, in space, in time, and examine how we might dispel these illusions to experience God Consciousness.
All thoughts consist of two components or aspects:
- Meaning and attendant emotions: Meaning is the more obvious predominant aspect of thought and that which keeps the ego mind busily engaged in the chaos of an illusory external world.
- Resonance: Every thought we think we think has a vibratory element which is less obvious, but has an immediate and direct effect on the body.
Further, all sound or resonance falls into two categories:
- Consonant Resonance: think of listening to a favorite melody.
- Dissonant Resonance: think of fingernails screeching on a chalkboard
The Resonance Response™, uses specific harmonically consonant resonances which have no contemporary meaning, and over millennia have been observed to produce a known quieting effect on the brain’s physiological thought producing centers. The use of a resonance to produce a known quiescent effect on the mind is best illustrated by understanding the vibratory effect of Sympathetic Resonance which is defined as follows:
A harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive string
or vibratory body (our physiology) responds to external
vibrations (resonance) to which it has a harmonic likeness”.
The video below graphically demonstrates how sound has an organizing effect on water, which comprises over 70% of our nervous system.
Practicing Resonance Response (RR) twice daily gradually gives the student an experiential and perceptual shift away from the external illusory world to an inner world of eternal calm and peace. The mind is restored as causative, the body merely being an effect.
A calm mind resonates a healthy body, and as we are told in the Course, a healthy body feels nothing!
To briefly summarize, it is indeed possible to gradually sustain an inner Level I experience of God Consciousness simultaneously with waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Once sustained, this state of Being cannot be lost and is a prerequisite for the advanced study described in the next Course Catalog page.