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The Logos Foundation Mission Statement:


“A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.” (M…In, 2:5)

Logos offers gratitude to Dr. Gerald Jampolsky, and Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, and Leonard Orr for being the inspirational bedrock of our mission and vision.
In consonance and synchronicity with A Course in Miracles (ACIM), The Logos Foundation is a teaching conduit which extends and mentors the dynamics of the Course, meditation, and Breathwork to help accelerate the Atonement.

Our mission: To extend a comprehensive experientially focused program based on the Course  dynamics synchronized with the regular practice of the Resonance Response, a millennia-old completely natural and effortless mental technique which rapidly evolves the students’ psycho-neurophysiology toward a gradual verifiable direct Level I experience of God. Breathwork as a complimentary healing modality brings about an inner Divine experience of a Loving Consciousness not of the body.

Our vision: Working with Course, meditation, and Breathwork students, The Logos Foundation will expand its virtual platform and, with funding, offer comprehensive Residential Study Programs which offer students a deeper immersion in meditation and Breathwork. An expanded business plan is available upon request.

A gradual increase in media exposure will evolve the Logos Foundation into a broader global spiritual presence helping to  accelerate the Atonement and It’s health benefits.

We offer gratitude for funding and continued support.

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