The Logos Foundation

…..bridging time to Eternity

Who we are and what we do:

We are an educational 501c3 non-profit comprised of a group of teachers adept at mentoring students through a non-dualistic thought system. In addition, we offer over 150 years of combined experience guiding students within to a non-sensory experience of true Self.

The Logos Foundation offers virtual mentoring via weekly workshops in A Course in Miracles and virtual instruction in the practice of the Resonance Response (RR)™, a natural millennia-old mental technique, practiced separately or in synchrony with the Course  while supporting A Course in Miracles framework. This leads to a more profound understanding of who we are, where we are, and what our purpose is. This understanding dawns by transcending the ego and the body.

Through weekly Zoom meetings, we guide students through the Text, Workbook, and Manual for Teachers as taught in A Course in Miracles. The training period is 1 year.

For those students who may be searching for a deep Level I inner experience described in the Course, we offer virtual instruction in  Resonance Response, a millennia-old easily learned mental technique which quiets ego thought chatter and precipitates an experience of inner quietude and peace. Experience is emphasized here. The initial training period is approximately 6 hours over  4 days, and thereafter practiced 20 minutes twice per day.   

A Course in Miracles emphatically states,

“A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary.”

A Course in Miracles- Clarification of Terms

Our journey begins on the next page with a description of the Ego Mind.

